Asbestos Roof Maintenance and Removal

asbestos repair and removal

If your home was built before the 1980s, chances are high that it has an asbestos roof. Asbestos was a popular building material used in roofing due to its fire-resistant and durable properties. However, it was later discovered that asbestos poses serious health risks, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your asbestos roof is maintained properly or removed safely when necessary. In this article, we’ll provide essential tips for asbestos roof maintenance and removal.

Understanding Asbestos

Before we dive into the maintenance and removal process, it’s important to understand what asbestos is and its dangers. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used in a variety of construction materials, including roofing, insulation, and flooring. When asbestos fibers are disturbed, they become airborne and can be easily inhaled, which can cause lung diseases and cancer.

Signs of Asbestos Roof Damage

Asbestos roofs are durable and can last up to 50 years, but they can become damaged over time. Signs of damage include:

  • Cracks and splits in the roof sheets
  • Leaks and water stains on the ceiling
  • Loose or missing screws and nails
  • Rusty roof sheets
  • Moss and algae growth
  • Discoloration of the roof sheets

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take action to prevent further damage and potential health risks.

Asbestos Roof Maintenance

Maintaining an asbestos roof involves regular inspection and repairs. Here are some tips for asbestos roof maintenance:

1. Conduct Regular Inspections

Inspect your asbestos roof at least once a year to check for any signs of damage or wear and tear. If you notice any damage, contact a licensed asbestos professional to assess the situation.

2. Clean Your Roof Regularly

Asbestos roofs should be cleaned regularly to prevent moss and algae growth, which can damage the roof sheets. Use a soft-bristled brush and water to clean the roof, and avoid using a pressure washer, as this can damage the roof sheets.

3. Repair Any Damage Immediately

If you notice any signs of damage, such as cracks or leaks, contact a licensed asbestos professional to assess the situation and make any necessary repairs.

4. Do Not Attempt DIY Repairs

Never attempt to repair an asbestos roof yourself, as this can release asbestos fibers into the air and pose a health risk.

Asbestos Roof Removal

If your asbestos roof is damaged beyond repair or you’re planning to renovate or demolish your home, asbestos roof removal may be necessary. Asbestos roof removal should only be done by licensed professionals who have the necessary training and equipment. Here are some tips for asbestos roof removal:

1. Hire a Licensed Asbestos Professional

It’s crucial to hire a licensed asbestos professional to remove your asbestos roof. They have the necessary training and equipment to remove the roof safely and minimize the risk of asbestos exposure.

2. Obtain Permits

Before asbestos roof removal, you need to obtain permits from your local council. This is to ensure that the removal is done safely and according to regulations.

3. Notify Your Neighbors

Notify your neighbors about the asbestos roof removal, as this can cause disruptions and potential health risks. It’s also essential to follow any guidelines or recommendations provided by your local council.

4. Prepare Your Home

Before asbestos roof removal, you need to prepare your home by removing any furniture, covering the floors and walls, and sealing off any air vents or ducts to prevent asbestos fibers from spreading.


Asbestos roof maintenance and removal are crucial for protecting the health of you and your family. Regular maintenance and inspection can help identify any damage early on, preventing further harm and reducing the risk of exposure to asbestos fibers. If your asbestos roof is damaged beyond repair, it’s essential to hire licensed professionals to remove it safely and according to regulations. Remember to obtain permits, notify your neighbors, and prepare your home before removal.

By following these essential tips for asbestos roof maintenance and removal, you can ensure the safety of your home and loved ones. Don’t take any risks when it comes to asbestos, as it can pose serious health risks. Contact licensed professionals to help you maintain or remove your asbestos roof safely and efficiently.


Q: Is it safe to live in a home with an asbestos roof?

A: It’s generally safe to live in a home with an asbestos roof if the roof is in good condition and not damaged. However, it’s crucial to have regular inspections and maintenance to ensure the roof remains in good condition.

Q: Can I remove asbestos roof tiles myself?

A: No, you should never attempt to remove asbestos roof tiles yourself. Asbestos fibers can be easily released into the air during removal, posing a health risk. Contact licensed professionals to help you remove asbestos safely and according to regulations.

Q: How much does asbestos roof removal cost?

A: The cost of asbestos roof removal can vary depending on the size of your roof, the condition of the roof, and your location. Contact licensed professionals for a quote.

Q: What should I do if I suspect my home has asbestos?

A: If you suspect your home has asbestos, contact a licensed asbestos professional to conduct an inspection and test for asbestos. If asbestos is found, they can provide guidance on the best course of action.

Q: How long does an asbestos roof last?

A: Asbestos roofs can last up to 50 years, but their lifespan can be affected by factors such as weather conditions and maintenance. Regular inspections and maintenance can help extend the lifespan of an asbestos roof.

Author: admin_ws_rd